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Review Request User Task

Overview of the Review Request user task and associated design.

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Written by David Knapp
Updated 2 years ago
3 min read


Next, let's take a look at the review request user interface, on the task list, I have a review request task and when I click that the task is open. It's prevent presenting me with the name of the activity in the process. Also has the process diagram to show the where we are. We have the email of the requester put into a heading and the details that they submitted. These are all read only fields, and you'll see how we did that in just a minute, along with a place for me to put my comments in as a reviewer and either approve it or reject it. The design for this particular page and see how it's put together.

From user interfaces, you can click on review request and on the top left we have the main piece of information which is the business object. For the vacation request, it's read automatically and we pull in start date days and descriptions as disabled fields. That's why these particular fields were automatically disabled. We also are including the submitter, so the submitter is white. Lets us see the email address right here. And so let's take a look at how that's implemented. You can see here on this heading to we have the inner text of that is is means it's a text constant and we use interpolation these double curly braces let us put in request vacation that's this property here submitter that's the app user on that and the email of that person. That's how we fill in the submitter on that page just like the other activities that submit request activity we as a wrap to get the layout that we want where the date and days are on the first row and the descriptions on the second row. And then we put in specifically the reviewer comments.

Now as a little bit of a fancier trick, we need to have an approve or reject. Right now the status of this request is submitted and that was set at the end of the of the previous activity when the user clicked the submit button. In this radio group we have form control is evaluated from the status so the request vacation status and inside of that we have placed two radio buttons with inner text. That's what you see when the word approved and value is also approved. There's no real, real magic there. All of that information is handled by this task page component.

Here is a little bit of a special thing, though, because normally we would disable, we would set this required and we would set status required so that they could do this submit. But status already has a value, so that wouldn't really work. That's why we have a special example here where we've used the disabled submit is evaluated from status is not equal to approved and not equal to rejected. As soon as it's equal to one of those, the submit button will be enabled. As soon as I pick approve here or rejected, now the button is enabled. For interest, we're going to go with the positive case and click submit on this to submit this for approval.

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