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Process Definitions Page

Overview of the Process Definitions page and associated design.

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Written by David Knapp
Updated 2 years ago
2 min read


We're going to take a look at some sort of starter administrative uses for interacting with the Camunda database. So so far, we've been all focused on what an end user would see if we take a look in the side NAV here. There's also a side NAV for process definitions. And when we click on that, what we're seeing is a page for all of the process definitions with their version, tag and version and resource information and a little bit of a refresh button over here. So let's take a look at the design for this particular component. When we go into the user interfaces, the pages on the left are the ones that have a path that are not part of a process flow. And you can see here that this is sort of like a site map, task list and process definitions are outdated all the way to the left. They they appear on the side NAV automatically. And then we've got process, definition, instance and task under those that we'll see in the next segment. But if we click on this, like the others that you've looked at, this one has a property on the top left, which is a command to process definition. Definitions because it's a list, it's an array, and it's set as a form array. We read it automatically, we order it by name and we don't save it. And the reason we don't save it is you actually push process definitions into commands, not by simply editing the table or calling a rest API to edit. You actually do a deployment.

So in this case, we'll never do any kind of saves like that. The main body of the page will look very familiar from all the other segments. There's a refresh button that is connected to the process definition, a loading container connected to reading, and then finally the table which has an array, and in this case the titles of the properties were just fine. So we didn't have to make any further entries with either the column CSG or the task prefix. So that's really all we have to do. One more tip on this one. You can see over at the right, the other ones have been set to logged in. Users can access. This particular one is restricted to a command and administrator. And what that means is if somebody who doesn't have Camunda administrator access tries to access the path of this page in the app, they will be told that they can't access that because they need to be a Camunda administrator. One other little tiny detail here. If we take a look at the settings, you notice here that the side nav icon name is share. That is for a set of icons that you can use from the the Google font. And we picked share as one that looks pretty close to a process flow. There isn't a perfect match and of course you can use your own icons and things in place of that if you don't like what theirs are doing. So that is the design of the process definitions page.

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