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Changing the scheme for your application at global level

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Written by Ashish Gupta
Updated 2 years ago
2 min read

Project Styles allow you to define a theme for your application. Angular Materials' theming system lets you customize color and typography styles for components in your application. It is based on the Google Material Design specification. Apex Designer lets you define a global theme that will be used across the application unless it is overridden at a component level using CSS.

Angular Material Theme

Color Palettes

An Angular Material theme has five color palettes:

  1. Primary
  2. Accent
  3. Warn
  4. Foreground
  5. Background

Creating a custom color palette

Choose Three Colors

Find a website that you like and use Chrome inspect to find the color codes you want to use for the primary, accent and warn colors. For this example, I will use:

  • Primary: #513bb3
  • Accent: #13bc75
  • Warn: #d11dd1

Generate the Palettes

There are several online tools that generate Material Design palettes. I will use the one at http://mcg.mbitson.com. When you open that url, there will be a default palette there. Change the name to whatever you want:

Material design palette generator

Then click the color drop down and paste in the primary color hex code #513bb3:

Material design color selector

Click the menu icon menu and then add button add_box to add a second palette. Rename it and change the color to the accent color #13bc75. Similarly, add a third palette warn with color #d11dd1:

Material design palette with color choices

Incorporate the Palettes

Click on the download icon download and select the "ANGULAR JS 2 (MATERIAL 2)" side tab and then click the copy button:

Export dialog from the material design palette generator

Go to Project Settings settings+  Styles (SCSS). Paste the palettes copied in the previous step:

Styles page under settings

Add the following lines at the end of Styles:

$app-primary: mat-palette($md-primary);
$app-accent: mat-palette($md-accent);

// The warn palette is optional (defaults to red).
$app-warn: mat-palette($md-warn);

// Create the theme object (a Sass map containing all of the palettes).
$app-theme: mat-light-theme($app-primary, $app-accent, $app-warn);

// Include theme styles for core and each component used in your app.
@include angular-material-theme($app-theme);

Try it Out

Generate your app, check for a clean build and admire your fancy new color scheme!

Sample application using new color palette

Compounding themes between libraries and the app

If your app has multiple libraries, each library can have its own style definition. Then when the dependency is added to the app, the styles defined in the library are appended to the styles defined in the app.  Library styles are appended in the same order as the dependencies are defined in the app.



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