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Full Text Search Library

Add full text search of the business objects in your application

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Written by David Knapp
Updated 6 months ago
Less than a minute read

The full text search library makes it easy to leverage the power of Postgres full text search in your application. You simply apply the mixin to your business object identifying:

  • An expression to generate the path to the object in the user interface
  • An expression to generate the title of the search results
  • The type to be displayed in the results
  • An expression to generate the description of the search results
  • An expression to generate the searchable text (including conversion from HTML if needed) or
  • The name of a custom method to generate the searchable text

The library includes app behaviors including:

  • An event handler to create the full text search table
  • An endpoint to update all search results
  • An endpoint to performance the search
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