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Angular Material

The most popular and complete set of components for Angular applications.

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Written by David Knapp
Updated 3 years ago
Less than a minute read

Angular Material Icon

Angular Material is a great library of Material Design components for Angular. The Angular Material library in Apex Designer contains:

  • External elements with help text and properties with help text
  • Authoring rules to automatically add attributes and nested elements following Angular Material patterns
  • The npm dependencies for the Angular Material packages

Angular Material components are used extensively in the Dynamic Components library as well as in Apex Designer itself.

Semantic Versioning

The semantic version of the Angular Material library indicates which version of Angular it applies to (10.0.8 is for Angular 10 for example).

Other Libraries and Frameworks

If you would like to use another Angular UI framework (NGX Bootstrap or PrimeNG for example), you can create your own library following the patterns in the Angular Material library. We can also build libraries for you if you prefer. Just click the "Ask a Question" button to the right and tell us what you are interested in.

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